12 hours old
Two weeks after her due date Aline finally decided to enter into the world on the 12th of June 2010.
Stefan and I were relived not to have an induction and that we got have the homebirth we had plan for. We did have to transfer to the hospital 2/3 through the ordeal as Aline's heart rate was too high. But of course once we got to the hospital all was back to normal! So after a couple of hours of monitoring our amazing midwife had us moved to the Spires (the midwife led unit)which was a much nicer environment. Aline arrived in a rush at 2.15am on the 12th of June, weighing 3990grams and she was 49cm long. So not the tiny baby predicted by the midwife...
We are now one week into parenthood, and so far we are enjoying it's ups and downs with lovely cuddles, dirty nappies and sleeping when ever we can.
4 days old