Sunday, 12 December 2010

Etsy shop is now open! GIVEAWAY!

Welcome to my new Etsy shop 

You can join me in there by clicking on the link 
or clicking on the photos of the things I'm selling in the side bar.
Please help me spread the word!

To celebrate this grand opening I'm giving away one hand-drawn bird necklace!

If you would like to have a go at winning it you get two shots -you can:
  1. Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite item in my little shop. (If you like my shop please add it to your favorites!)
  2. Share the news about my shop and blog on your blog or on facebook/twitter. Then leave a comment on this post letting me know that you've done so.
 Leave one comment for each entry please! The giveaway is open for a week only!

Also remember that the first week you get 15% off if you use coupon code WELCOME15!

If you buy now you get it just in time for Christmas!


  1. My favourite from your etsy shop is
    It's absolutely gorgeous~ and when I get the money I'll probably buy it, I'm just an art student and a whole heap of my money goes to supplies and such~ no extra nice things hehe.

    But I love the style you have, its lovely, reminds me of my little birdy~

    But I have also added your shop to my favourites~

  2. :) I have also made a blog post about you~

    I hope the word gets out about your blog and Etsy, you deserve more recognition~ Sadly I have no followers but my blog does get viewed every now and then. Sadly my friends on Facebook don't have a care for any of this stuff so it would be pointless if I tried...

    Hope you have a lovely day~

  3. Thank you littleInkTree for encouraging words! Popped by you blog -you do lovely work. Hope art school goes well!

  4. Thankyou so much~ I hope all goes well~ I'm trying to get my name out there but so far the people who I've contacted don't like to get back to me. Theres not even a 'no thankyou'... theres just nothing. Its kinda dissappointing~ But thankyou very much~ I appreciate it.

  5. Jeg liker smykket med blåmeisen best :) eller kasjmir bamsen Sophia. Du er jo veldig flink da Linda!


  6. I like the kingfisher necklace best of all out of your work, and not just because it's in the giveaway!
    I also like the symbolism of a King who fishes, so that bird is one of my favourites along with the robin red-breast who bears the mark of sacrifice.

  7. Hei Linda!

    Jeg så jo giveaway´en din for flere dager siden, men har helt glemt å melde meg på! Klart jeg vil være med!! :-) Jeg har laget et innlegg om deg på bloggen min... Så da håper jeg på 2 lodd.

    Viss jeg skulle være så heldig (igjen), ønsker jeg med den skjønne bamsen Teal Teddy Tara ( Søøøt!!! :-)

    Gratulerer med butikk! Håper det blir en suksess!
    Stor klem fra Ingvild

  8. Hei!
    Gleder meg til å følge deg videre;-) Og så masse fint du lager! Mr Brown Bear falt jeg pladask for, og smykkene dine er helt vidunderlige!

  9. Og så har jeg laget et lite innlegg på bloggen min;-))
